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    College YOU can afford!

    You’ll learn:

    • How any family, regardless of income or assets, can qualify for $1,000’s in financial aid
    • The four dates that are crucial when applying for financial aid
    • How to prevent your family from becoming a casualty of the Financial Aid System
    • How qualified students attend expensive private colleges for even less than state schools
    • How to legally avoid the 20% – 25% assessment on student assets and save thousands
    • How divorced or separated families can legally cut the cost of college by as much as 90%
    • How accepting a school’s initial financial aid offer is almost always a costly mistake

    We are updating our book and information for 2024. Stay tuned !



    Getting into college is your first step.

    Let Reecy help you get your student college ready!


    Financial AID

    Get FAFSA and information on getting the maximum amount of financial aid for your child.

    Planning for College

    Thinking about your child’s future starts with financial planning now. Get the inside edge on college savings plans and asset repositioning from the expert, Reecy Aresty.

    How to Pay for College Without Going Broke!

    Get the book that gives you that all important edge toward college admission, and gives you the strategies you need to maximize your financial aid.

    Get your student off to the right start with planning for their future.

    Reecy Aresty, a noted financial advisor and lecturer since 1977, has helped thousands of families to protect their assets, increase their wealth, and at the same time reduce their taxes. In 1979 while living in Chicago, he began to focus on the complicated and ever changing College Admissions and Financial Aid Process. In 1993, Reecy relocated to Florida and has since continued helping college-bound families get their students accepted to the school of their choice, and pay less than they ever dreamed possible! He also shows college parents how to negotiate with financial aid officers to obtain the absolute best possible aid package!

    Reecy and his book have received critical acclaim from parents, the media, and students all across the country. He’s been interviewed by financial experts on the radio, TV and newspapers from coast to coast, and by several of the nation’s most respected publications including Money Magazine, US News & World Report, Consumers Digest, Bloomberg News, Scripps Howard News Service, and AOL.