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About Reecy Aresty and Payless For College

Reecy Aresty, a respected college financial aid advisor and lecturer since 1977, author of How to Pay For College Without Going Broke, has helped thousands of families:

  • protect their assets,
  • increase their wealth,
  • reduce their taxes. 

He can do the same for you. Since 1977, Reecy has been promoting a topic of immense concern to millions of families – how to pay for college.  Founder and President of Payless For College, in Coral Springs, FL, Reecy has been presenting free seminars from coast to coast and has received rave reviews from parents, students and guidance counselors.

For those parents who are divorced or separated, his ambiguous non-custodial parent strategy™ has literally cut the cost of college by as much as 90%!  Additionally, there are legal strategies for small business owners that can achieve similar results.

Reecy and his book have received critical acclaim from parents, students, and the media all across America.

Some of his most successful financial aid appeals have resulted in the following:

  • Obtaining $18,030 of financial aid for a student at Princeton, when the semester bill was $15,252!
  • Appealing a $0 financial aid award from Duke when the family’s EFC (Expected Family Contribution) was over $95,000; the result was $15,000 in need-based aid!
  • Obtaining a $2,600 “winter clothing allowance” for a FL student who attended Muhlenberg in PA!
  • Correcting a FAFSA – the result was lowering the EFC from $26,250 to $35!
  • Legally changing the custodial parent in a divorce situation so that the student went from receiving $0 financial aid to getting a “free ride” at the University of FL!
  • And the list goes on…

Interviewed on radio and TV by financial experts, he has also been featured in some of the country’s most respected publications including Money Magazine, US News & World Report, Consumer Digest, Bloomberg News, Scripps Howard, The Washington Post and AOL. Reecy Aresty has become a major factor in obtaining an affordable, quality education for America’s youth.  In doing so, he has helped rebuild the confidence in the college admissions/financial aid process for thousands of families.

Here’s what two guidance counselors had to say after seminars at their high schools:

“A quick thank you for your engaging and informative presentation at Tenafly High School [NJ] on November 1. I think the parents who attended were well served… Best regards.” 

 – Lawrence Mayer, Vice Principal of Guidance Services

“Reecy Aresty gave a very informative and detailed presentation last fall at Bethel High School [CT]. The points he covered went well beyond what our Financial Aid Nights have traditionally covered and gave any parent who was willing to work with the process helpful tools to use.” 

– Ingrid Boedecker, School Counseling Department Chair

Reecy’s portfolio of satisfied customers grows each year. As the cost of college skyrockets, he can give you that all important financial edge that could save you thousands!

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