Financial Aid
Financial Aid: How We Can Help!
While your first priority is getting your student admitted to the college of their choice, financial planning can begin as early as birth. In Part 2 of Reecy’s book you’ll discover:
- How qualified students attend expensive private colleges for even less than state schools!
- The four dates that are crucial when applying for financial aid!
- How to prevent your family from becoming a casualty of the Financial Aid System!
- How any family, regardless of income or assets, can qualify for $1,000’s in financial aid!
- How to legally avoid the 20% – 25% assessment on student assets and save thousands!
- How Coverdell’s and 529 Savings Plans can be hazardous to your financial health!
- How divorced or separated families can legally cut the cost of college by as much as 90%!
- How accepting a school’s initial financial aid offer is almost always a costly mistake!
- How students living in a warm climate can save as much as $2,500, if they attend college in the frigid North!
- How to appeal unappealing financial aid offers, and negotiate for the absolute best possible financial aid package!
- And so much more… (See the Table of Contents)
“I have read several different books on this subject, and this is my favorite one out of the bunch. Reecy Aresty, a financial advisor who specializes in college financial aid, has written a book that details practical advice and tips on how to prepare early for getting into college, beginning with the student’s high school freshman year. There are sections on financial assistance and information, but the main brunt of the book focuses on getting into the school in the first place. Aresty’s book has just the right amount of information, also the right kind, and is the perfect book for parents who don’t have a clue about the process as it stands today.”
Anise Hollingshead,
Income Planning & Asset Repositioning
Here you’ll learn what the student income protection allowance is, and how there is a 50% assessment on any income over it! There are more than 40 proven income planning strategies to drastically cut college costs! Parents need only determine which ones apply, then implement to begin saving.
In the financial aid formulas, students have no asset protection allowance. For college year 2019-2020, 20% – 25% of every dollar a student has will be lost in financial aid. For example, a student with $1,000 will be assessed $200 for each year the $1,000 remains in their name. After 4 years, they will have lost $800 in financial aid for only having $1,000! (Just imagine if it’s $10,000 or more!) This is tragic as it can legally be avoided – if you know the secret!
If your student has a UGMA or UTMA account, send us an email, so we can tell you how to legally keep it out of the financial aid formulas – send an e-mail to
“There’s a lot of interesting points in this book. It’s a really good read for folks because it gives them the inside scoop and so many books don’t – You have so many great tips in here – Important information; Interesting, creative finance – This is really about protecting your assets and your child’s assets even if you’re not really wealthy…”
Emmy award-winning TV journalist, Mary Caraccioli, Money Matters Today, CN8-TV, Philadelphia, PA
The Paperwork
In this section, you’ll learn how to complete all the necessary forms within specific time frames dictated by the colleges, the states, and the federal government. Misinformation is rampant, even from so-called reliable sources, and most families who enter the college funding arena are ill-equipped to do battle with a financial aid system that initially rejects over 90% of all applications for avoidable mistakes. Those who fall victim to the many pitfalls in the application process must return to square one, correct their mistakes, and resubmit their forms! Financial aid is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and it is far too easy for families to lose some or all of the aid they are entitled to. To prevent this, an Answer Key for the FAFSA and the CSS Financial Aid Profile, are included so that every family will be able to complete these forms accurately and on time.
“On behalf of my sister Christina and I, I would just like to say thank you to your staff and especially you. Thanks to you, we have received a substantial amount of much needed financial aid, and we hope to get more next year when we will get the proper papers in as early as possible. When we screwed up and sent certain papers in late, your quick thinking of using the Special Circumstances Review, came through in the clutch. THANK YOU, and keep up the good work of helping college ignorant kids, like myself, get into the schools they’ve dreamed of. Indebted always…”
Christopher & Christina Brooks, Coral Springs, FL
Negotiating For Maximum Financial Aid
Negotiate with a college? Absolutely! In this section, you’ll learn innovative, money saving techniques that will increase your student’s aid package by thousands of dollars! These strategies have been successful time and time again with the families I have counseled throughout my 40 year career. Traditionally, this information has been a closely guarded secret known only to a handful of financial aid professionals and financial aid officers.
The following are grounds for appealing an unappealing financial aid offer:
- Loss of employment or a substantial reduction in parent income,
- Business failure,
- Dramatic increase in student’s GPA by graduation,
- Change in parent’s marital status and other special circumstances
You’ll also learn negotiating strategies that include:
- Multiple depositing,
- Freezing the tuition,
- Increasing your travel allowance, and
- Maximizing your Federal Work-Study Award – You did get one, didn’t you?
Accepting the very first award letter can be an expensive mistake! If it leaves substantial unmet need or only offers loans, students should appeal to increase their financial aid.
“Our son Geoffrey is absolutely loving his college experience at Tulane University, which he would not be attending if not for you. We cannot thank you enough for helping to secure the funds to make his dream college a reality. Almost every time we asked for more funding, Tulane came through. Thanks again for your guidance and support.”
Debbi, Rob & Geoffrey Rabinowitz, Coral Springs, FL